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My biggest passion in life except from skiing is to take picture and capture beautiful view and mountains along the way. 

I got my big passion for photography when I was a kid. My dad was working as a photographer and he had his own studio where I loved to hang out and look at all the camera gear. I loved to help him when he was preparing the setup in the studio, shooting, editing pictures and printing them. When I was around 5 years and I finally got my own digital camera. I took hundreds of pictures every day and I don't know how many hard drives my dad had to buy me. 


Since then, I bring my Canon camera wherever I go, and when I am coming home I can sit for hours and edit pictures. Some of the pictures I posted on social medias but most of them is ending up on my hard drive. For years I wanted to do something with all the pictures I kept on the hard drive, but I didn't know what. 2017 I decided to start my own photo company to work more seriously as a photographer, and also to start selling some of my pictures. You can now buy my prints straight from me, or at Årebutiken in the center of Åre.  

I hope you find something you like and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if you need help with taking some pictures, I would love to help you!

Lin Ivarsson

Founder, photographer and editor. 

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